It is peaceful, till now the news of World War gathers dark over the three Continents of the Animal World:
Amaland the nation of Land Animals, Zaquinia the nation of Water Animals and Airecia the nation of Air
Animals. The Amaland King Domigan an Elephant and the Zaquinian King Megalord a Whale; have coincidental
ambitions respectively. Each wants to create a World Empire — Global Realm or Reich; that would control the
entire peoples of the Earth under a single World Government and himself to be called the ’KING OF THE
WORLD’. Both incite their citizens, raise great Armies and amass enormous materials; for the World War which
would also conquer peaceful Airecia and King Hugozone an aged pacific Eagle.
Local and international interests as well as private characters and public figures are active in all the three
nations. Banitus a Vulture takes contracts of clearing corpses, Sadowin an Owl witnesses and reports deaths of
family members, Bartholomew a Bat manufactures and supplies Arms to the warring nations, Titus a Lion is
Head of Land Army, Chaka a Shark Head of Water Army, Theophilous a Tortle Philosopher, Lady Morana a
Dove Peace Maker, Patrick a Parrot Airecian Foreign Affair Minister, Babarube a Mantis Religious Preacher,
Gregory and Gloria the Ram and Sheep Lovers are the Protagonists, who miss in action, loving and searching
for one another during the most difficult years, amidst battlefields and war prisons etc. The War generates two
opposing International Groups in all the nations — the WAR MONGERS and the PEACE MAKERS; who are
bitterly against the other.
Amaland is still planning and hoping to go to war in ten days. But Zaquinia hastily attacks occupying Amaland
border towns and villages. Water army marches from south climbing and crossing the ranges of Appala
Mountain; while the larger Land Army from north swarms over the ranges oflata Mountain. The mighty
Armies meet midway at the Hipoji Plain, where the Sempremo shallow river flows in ageless virgin peace,
being violated for the first time and here, that begins the Animal World War. The clean water like, civil life
turns musky and red with human blood. Land men defend their homeland with utmost patriotism. They slowly
begin to drive the enemy backward, again into the sea. Yet they build the GREAT BRIDGE and enter the water
land. The war lasts; no longer halting but grows in scope with ever increasing mortality, inventing more
dangerous weapons of mass murder for the greatest balance of terror. The war at its peak consequently
favours the Amalands who overrun six out of seven Zaquinian main islands including the water Capital. The
International Community alarms and begins to beg the noisome notorious Domigan to stop his dangerous
conquest but it is too late. Domigan enters the seventh and last Zaquinian island despite threat by the new Air
King who intends to use the Airecian newly acquired World Power, Wealth and Might; to demonstrate the
recently invented Atomic Bomb, to force the war with all its hostilities and casualties into a final end.
Turning point comes. Domigan overwhelmed by the joy of his victories celebrates; vigorously running wild and
jumping around amidst praises. But he lands self into underlying deep thick muddy swamp that swallows him
into death before a belated and combined rescue efforts. Yet the Zaquinians also surprised the whole World
by secretly crossing the impassable Azikalizad Ocean into the defenseless back of Amaland, taking over the
Land nation within a short time. While the Land men conquer water nation; the watermen also conquer the
Land nation. It is obvious that land-life is not for water animals and water-life is not for land animals. Still,
Domiza son of Domigan wants to continue the ambition of his father but he is no orator like Domigan; he
stammers. Domiza’s idea is rejected by own unwilling officers and soldiers, whose families are now under
enemy captivity at home. Time with experience has also changed the mood of the entire World. Atomic bomb
eventually drops at Naquashima a little island which means 'HEAVEN ON EARTH’ in local language; to end the
Animal World War. Peace is signed at Hipoji Plain where opponent leaders and soldiers embrace with smiles,
re-exchange sides in tears ofjoy as, they return all occupied territories. Animal Olympic Games holds, finalizes
with Animal Soccer World Cup and an elaborate Animal World Peace Festival; concluding under an incidental
Full Eclipse of the Sun, marking the beginning of a New Animal World with the marriage of Gregory and